The reason due diligence is paramount is because everybody wants to have a clear picture of with whom they are doing business. Since the inception of marketing, brands have relied on influencers to promote their products. Never before in the history of marketing have the online personas of individuals been such major factors in the promotion of billion dollar brands. The persona of your influencer boils down to their reputation, their personal activities, and their public-facing views, both present and future.
Talent Due Diligence
Let’s face it. Cancel culture exists. Whether you believe it is moving in the right direction, or if you think it’s out of hand, your company needs to remain vigilant when it comes to the behavior and lifestyle of the folks who represent your brand to the public.
Journalists call out known celebrities and spokespeople for their past behavior in the news every week. Some things are questionable, and some are shocking revelations of ideology that may be deemed unacceptable. In all circumstances, brands need to know whom they are choosing to represent them.
No company wants to be caught in the cross-hairs of a controversy. Most public relations nightmares could be avoided if you hire the right firm to conduct proper due diligence. Wouldn’t you rather be ahead of the game and know exactly where the relationship is heading?
- Before you sign a deal… order a due diligence investigation and assess the data.
- Before you even give a project the go-ahead… order a due diligence investigation and assess the data.
- You need to have 20/20 vision. That is what we provide.
Our Expertise
For decades the MI:33 team has been providing due diligence assessments for major VIP clients. Our experience includes many aspects of publicity, lifestyle assessment, brand loyalty, political activism, digital asset management, supply chain, publicity leaks, product leaks, trade secret theft, and right of publicity violations. Don’t forget that when you are about to shake the hand of a potential partner. We have found, more times than not that our investigations have led the client to a decision that benefited the company. MI:33 works with advertising agencies, production companies, and their attorneys to help create a clear perspective into who your talent really is. Are they middle of the road? Are they on one side or the other? What brands do they advocate for?
With our Talent Due Diligence RISK Report, you get:
- Social Media Scrub (negative posts, drug use, etc.)
- Verification of Info Provided
- Criminal Records, Bankruptcies, Liens, and Judgments
- International Terror Watch List Clearance
- Sex Offender Check
- Current and Upcoming Projects
- Business Affiliations
- All in an easy to share PDF report delivered to your inbox.